Op 2 juni hebben wij, als HubSpot Certified Partner, Jeetu Mathani, CEO International HubSpot, uitgenodigd voor een keynote naar België. We partneren hiervoor met Bloovi op hét marketing event van het voorjaar: Conversion Day.
Een absoluut uniek gegeven en een kans om een topspreker van HubSpot te horen en te ontmoeten. Samen met meer dan 20 andere sprekers, en 4 praktische middagsessies rond Inbound Marketing is Conversion Day een must voor jouw agenda.
Tip: inschrijven kan tot eind april aan een super early bird tarief. Info en registreren kan op conversionday.be.
We geven je graag volgende superinteressante sessies mee van Conversion Day:
Jeetu Mahtani (US), CEO International Hubspot
Inbound Marketing: Your Secret Weapon for maximum conversions
In this presentation, Jeetu Mahtani, Managing Director of HubSpot International, will walk you through the movement from outbound to inbound marketing and the opportunities inbound gives you to win new customers, grow your business, and overall give you an unfair advantage. Meer op conversionday.be
Paul Boag (UK), User Experience Expert BoagWorld
Encouraging Conversion through a Better User Experience
Converting today's connected consumers is harder than ever before. There is more competition accessible to your target audience and that audience is ever more demanding. To convert these new users, you need to do more than drive traffic and build usable sites. Today's user experience designers do more than design user interfaces. They nurture user conversion at every step of their interaction with the brand. Meer op conversionday.be
Sarah Watz (SWE), CEO Pixpro Stockholm
Transform your business with a Marketing Automation Strategy
Sarah will give you insights on how you, by creating a marketing automation strategy, can grow sales opportunities and turn leads into customers with personalized, automated follow-up. Meer op conversionday.be
Jamie Biesemans (BE), Content Creator leadstreet
A Content Strategy for a Succesful Inbound Marketing
Does your content convert? If you are asking that question, you’re probably are not using content efficiently. Creating great content means understanding the needs of your customers. Many companies are creating stories that do not attract the right audience, or -worse- fail to convince visitors. Great content should educate prospects and develop an interest in your brand, product or service. Above all, it should convert quality leads into customers. Meer op conversionday.be
Het volledige programma vind je op www.conversionday.be

Johan Vandecasteele
Managing partner leadstreet ✪ Diamond HubSpot Partner ✪ Top 50 HubSpot Agency worldwide ✪ 2020 HubSpot Champion User ✪ Member HubSpot Advisory Council EU
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