Team page
A team page helps you to build a connection with your audience.
About Us
Knowing who's behind this company will make visitors feel like part of their family!
Visitors usually look for these pages in order to get an idea about the company and its products, so it is best not only to give them more information but also to stay transparent if they want that trust component of business relationships.
Our Awesome Crew

Cierra Vega
CEO & Founder
Furthermore, describing your employees and their responsibilities would be a great way to show off your team's talent.

Alden Cantrell
CEO & Founder
Visitors are most likely looking for this information when they visit so you should include it on the site.

Kierra Gentry
CEO & Founder
Optionally, if you have any social profiles or websites of blogs with content from these people then make sure those links are included as well!

Pierre Cox
CEO & Founder
For larger companies who might not know everyone in an organization chart can help visitors see where different jobs fall under certain departments which is really helpful too.
Our Awesome Crew
Create screens directly in Method or add your images from Sketch or Figma. You can even sync designs from your cloud storage!