Add Organisation structured ld+json data to your homepage and contact page and improve SEO

Google Search and other engines are working hard to understand the content of a webpage. But sometimes you can help by providing explicit clues about the meaning of a page by including structured data. Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content.

This module can be used either in your blog or your pages.

How to install the custom module

Step 0: HubSpot has removed our structured data modules from the marketplace.  HubSpot is working on a similar solution BUT the HubSpot solution is not available yet. In the mean time we sell the module direct. Contact us here and we will inject the module in your HubSpot portal. See the CM Blogpost Structured Data in action here.


Step 1: Add the module to your template

  1. Go to the Design Manager and open your template
  2. Add the CM Organization Structured Data
  3. Save the template

Step 2 : Personalize the module if needed

  1. The module is default set to retrieve company name and logo from the HubSpot site_settings variables and the google blogpost AMP settings.
  2. Check here your AMP settings, replace in the slug xxxxxx with your hubid
  3. Check here you company name, its the name HubSpot is using in the footer of all your emails, replace in the slug xxxxxx with your hubid
  4. If you need to overrule the HubSpot data go to the designmanager en edit the module. Uncheck the use_hubspot_site_settings default setting.
  5. Update the Fields
  6. Save

Step 3 : test the structured data

You can always test your structured data here

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